The Philosophy of Independent Living

The Independent Living Philosophy espouses living like everyone else, being able to have control of one’s own life, having opportunities to
make decisions that affect one’s life and being able to pursue activities of one’s own choosing, regardless of disability.

The independent living movement has been an important part of the broader movement for disability rights. It’s ethos is on the premise that people with disabilities, including the most severe disabilities, should have the choice of living in their own homes and participating in their community. The provision of personal assistance services are vital in facilitating an individual to manage his or her personal care, to keep a home, to have a job, go to school and otherwise participate in the life of the community.

The independent living movement also advocates that all buildings, streets etc are fully accessible by removing architectural and transport barriers that prevent people with disabilities from sharing fully in all aspects of our society. 


See details on the  UN CRPD at;